Article: Ambassador of The Month - September 2024

Ambassador of The Month - September 2024
Our September Ambassador of the month is Mark Davidson!
His Testimony
Between grade 4-10, I was bullied verbally everyday pretty much and was struggling just to go to school, some how I decided to test God because I went to church and everything but that was it, so I tested him and started believing, I knew He existed and understood everything about it but didn’t have any revision relationship with Him until about grade 12, prior to that because of the bullying, I had low self image, low self esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts until the last part of my first year of college, not serious ones, but I was still considering it some times.
My mom forced me to go to a youth group starting in 12th grade. I started going and because of the Pastor, I actually came closer to God and developed somewhat of a relationship. Then the pandemic hit, I started my biggest project ever at the time and while doing that and was listening to a ton of worship. I got baptized in July 2020 by my father, I’m going to do it again soon hopefully. I’ve now grow my self image and self esteem, no longer have depression or those thoughts. I’ve become a leader to the same youth group I became apart of. In the summer of 2022, I was proud to become and ambassador of HolStrength, I had always wanted Christian apparel and wanted to wear it around but could never find a brand where the clothing wasn’t obnoxiously obvious, but looking at HolStrength and what they made, I knew it was perfect. I started working out in the beginning of summer 2021 consistently and haven’t really stopped.
Being apart of HolStrength has helped me grow more with Christ, has given me another family and has given me new friends, and an amazing community to be a part of. I personally believe that it has helped me grow my faith in Christ.
What does HolStrength mean to me?
It means so much to me!
Being apart of HolStrength has helped me grow more with Christ, has given me another family and has given me new friends, and an amazing community to be a part of. I personally believe that it has helped me grow my faith in Christ.