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Article: Courageous Faith: Reflecting on Joshua 1:9

Verse of the Week - December 10th 2023 HolStrength
Bible verses

Courageous Faith: Reflecting on Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." 

- Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

In the book of Joshua, we find an encouraging command from God to Joshua as he takes on the responsibility of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua 1:9 serves as a source of courage for believers, urging them to trust in God's presence and overcome fear.

God's command to Joshua is not a mere suggestion; it's a firm directive. Likewise, in our lives, we are called to be strong and courageous in our faith journey. Reflect on instances where fear or uncertainty has held you back, and consider how embracing courage can transform your perspective.

The source of Joshua's courage is explicitly stated: the Lord is with him wherever he goes. This truth is a cornerstone of our faith as well. Spend time meditating on the unwavering presence of God in your life. How does the awareness of His companionship impact your daily choices and actions?

God's command includes a prohibition against fear and dismay. Reflect on areas in your life where fear may be hindering your progress or causing hesitation. Consider how a deep trust in God's presence can help you overcome these fears and move forward with confidence.

Joshua's courage wasn't passive; it led to action. Consider what steps of faith and courage you can take today. It might involve stepping out of your comfort zone, confronting a fear, or trusting God in a new way. Share your thoughts and commitments with God in prayer.


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This was beautiful. In moments of uncertaininty, defeat, or the unknown, we need to trust in the Lord and listen to him. Even in the difficult moments and hard times, when we feel unloved, God’s voice wants to speak to our hearts. We need to lay down our burdens and distractions, and let him work his miracles in his own timing. We are enough, and loved.

Anna Frerker

I’ll be praying for you Mike!

Jackson Poynter

I needed this today. I am having a difficult time with my faith. My family and I have had some relationship difficulties that have brought financial hardships. I believe and trust in the Lord. I just pray he intervenes speedily, because this is really weighing on us. In Jesus name I pray.


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