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Article: Focusing on What Truly Matters - Colossians 3:2

Focusing-on-What-Truly-Matters-Colossians-3-2 HolStrength
Bible verses

Focusing on What Truly Matters - Colossians 3:2

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

- Colossians 3:2

Colossians 3:2 is part of a passage where the Apostle Paul is encouraging the Colossian Christians to live according to their new identity in Christ. In the broader context of Colossians 3:1-4, Paul is instructing believers to focus on heavenly values and priorities rather than earthly desires and distractions. This guidance comes after Paul has explained that, as Christians, they have "died" to their old ways and have been "raised with Christ." Therefore, their thoughts, goals, and actions should be aligned with their new life in Christ, seeking things that are eternal rather than temporary.

We live in a world that constantly pulls our attention in a thousand different directions. It's easy to get caught up in the worries of daily life, the pursuit of material success, or the distractions that fill our minds. Yet, in Colossians 3:2, we are reminded of a simple truth: our hearts and minds should be set on things above.

This doesn't mean we ignore our earthly responsibilities or pretend that our challenges don't exist. Instead, it’s a call to prioritize what truly matters. When we focus on Christ and the eternal, our perspective changes. We begin to see our struggles in the light of God's promises, our goals in alignment with His will, and our relationships through the lens of His love.

Here are a few tips to help apply this verse to your life:

  • Start your day by spending a few moments in prayer, asking God to help you fix your mind on Him.
  • When you feel overwhelmed or distracted, pause and remind yourself of what is eternal.
  • Consider what practical changes you can make to shift your focus from temporary worries to God's truth.

    Prayer: Lord, help me to set my mind on things above. In a world that pulls me in so many directions, I want to keep my eyes on You. Remind me of Your eternal promises and help me to live in a way that reflects Your love and purpose. Amen.


    Prayer request I’m struggling with in this season finding myself asking God when will things happen please pray for me to keep trusting in the Lord thank you 😊


    Thank you Jesus for the gift of life continue to teach me that nothing and no one can separate me with you!

    Irankunda drice Natasha

    Prayers my brother-in-law as he tries to figure his life out! That he may seek God and ground himself in his faith and live his life in a way that reflects Christ’s character.

    Johnny Rodriguez

    Amen! Prayer request for my firm as we enter our second month post launch!


    WOW, an unexpected message in email this morning that blessed my day! THANK you! Be blessed!


    This message was exactly what I needed to read. To be able to look to Him and focus on Him rather than earthly worries and distractions is a work in progress but whenever I need Him the most, He seems to speaks to me through others — whether it be in person, via a IG post, or even through a brand platform like HolStrength. Thank you for the good read and God Bless.


    Dear God I pray that you help me get into college and I can afford it. I pray you help me be a strong leader for Jesus and that you bless my relationship with my girlfriend Alyssa. Also God I am asking for healing for my mother Rosa and that you help my Wela find a new apartment to live in. I pray for Yosita to receive protection and her family softens their hearts to receive Jesus Christ. In Jesus name Amen

    Yerson Villa

    Prayer request for my strong man competition this weekend .


    These reflections are SO enriching to my spiritual life! Thank you for sharing with us, and for using your brand to promote the gospel!

    Rev. Brian Edward Smail

    So filled with joy that you continue to pursue the LORD in your efforts and brand and that you are using your “platform” to share the gospel and His good good word. Thank you for walking out Matthew 5:16. May GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS the team. Thank you for your inspiration and walking the walk.


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