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Article: Verse of the Week - July 30th 2023

Verse of the Week - July 30th 2023 HolStrength

Verse of the Week - July 30th 2023

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" - Psalm 46:10 (ESV) 

Life can be a whirlwind of activity and noise, leaving little room for quiet contemplation and connection with God. Amidst the chaos, Psalm 46:10 calls us to a place of serenity and spiritual awareness, saying, "Be still, and know that I am God." In this simple yet powerful command, God invites us to pause, to silence the clamor of the world, and to turn our attention to Him.

To "be still" before God involves more than just physical stillness; it encompasses a deliberate turning away from distractions and a turning toward the Lord. It's an invitation to surrender our worries, anxieties, and burdens into His capable hands. By doing so, we acknowledge His sovereignty, His love, and His faithfulness to guide and sustain us.

As we embrace stillness before God, we discover the profound truth of His exaltation among the nations and in all the earth. No matter the circumstances we face, God remains in control, and His purposes will ultimately prevail. When we recognize and honor His exalted position in our lives, we find strength and reassurance, even in the face of challenges.

An important clarification in this verse is the context of being still. In times of chaos and uncertainty, we are called to silence the noise and temptations of the world to bring us closer to God. However, we are not to be still and quiet in our pursuit of God. We are only able to be active in our pursuit once we can trust in God to guide us.

This week, let's intentionally set aside moments for quiet reflection and prayer. Amidst the demands of life, let's create space to be still before God, acknowledging His presence, and entrusting our lives to His care. In doing so, we open ourselves to His peace that surpasses understanding and to the transformation He brings to our hearts and minds.

Question for the week: What is one worldly distraction in your pursuit of God?


Answer in the comments below for your chance to win a $10 HolStrength Gift Card.


My biggest distraction in my walk with God has been social media, I made the decision to shut off social media for a while to work on my relationship with Christ

Carol Perez

Drugs, alcohol, and social media. Sometimes when I use social media wrong, it distracts me from the Lord. It doesn’t always, just depends on if I’m using it the way I want to!

Dominic Fiordelisi

Social media and it just gets worse with the younger generation!!! That is why honestly I only have tictok and see you in the mornings. This helps me focus. Amen 🙏🏼. Thank you!!!

Laura Lea Portillo

One of the biggest distractions is social media. But putting screen time limits on all social media during the first and last hour of my day has been really helpful.


So I try to do my quiet time at night. Reflect on the day and try to be intentional with God. But my own self gets in the way because I find other things to do to take up my time. Lol.


I would say just life, in general, is a distraction. So much more now than years ago. Prioritizing my time with God is a must. My 45 minute drive to work early in the morning really helps with that

Jim Miller

The people around me. Expectations often are louder than God’s love & grace. It can be intense sometimes, but I find that is where true worship to God is emboldened. ☺️🤍🩷


Life in general is my distraction . I forget or procrastinate by saying I’ll have time with God as soon as i get this done or after i get everyone took care of and i then forget or i am too tired or stressed or depressed . It’s a battle everyday and if we can just pull down the armor of God in prayer and put Him first in everything we do then we will see good change and positive outcome .


One distraction for me currently is allowing myself to be pulled by friends . God is giving me the strength to walk away from stuff like that and align myself with his will, it’s been a journey but I believe and have faith that God has already provided the strength & wisdom. Just learning what it means to live righteously and day by day, slowly getting better at being an example through my works. Hopefully to be evident that God is loving,patient,and that I get my strength from him.

Joshua Williams

Often times, my “to- do” list. It can be hard to let go of when all I see are the things that need to get done for the day. Having a disciplined moment of stillness before the Lord, before beginning is a challenge for me. I still struggle with letting go of control in some areas, so that’s something I’m working on.


Social Media was my distraction. I got rid of all my social media and now I am less distracted but there is always something else you have to block out to be still before the Lord.

Dennis W.

A big distraction for me is the hurry. I feel as though I am trying to learn and do so many things that I forget to rest in God.

Chase Millican

Being heard. Not every conversation good or bad needs a response. We have to remember God fights our battles. Exodus 14:14

Trisha Engwall

Being heard. Not every conversation good or bad needs a response. We have to remember God fights our battles. Exodus 14:14

Trisha Engwall

One major worldly distraction for me is social media. I need to start setting screen time limits.


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